Site Acceptance Test

Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) ensures that the performance experienced during Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) is replicated after the systems are installed onsite, ensuring that nothing has changed or been damaged during shipment and installation. After the machines/equipment have been installed and integrated with support systems, this process typically includes full functional testing. To ensure continuity and completeness, the SAT is led by the same ACS engineers who designed the systems and performed the FAT.


Finishing Visual check
Main components visual check
Internal box pressure and ventilation setting
Functionality/Interlocks Verification (Mechanical & Software)
Hot test for dispensing systems (activity source supplied by Customer)
Dose calibrator verification (activity source supplied by Customer)
Safety devices and interlocks check
Operator’s training
Delivery of the performed FAT protocol and documentation package

Engineering Experience:

Installation complete and adequate complete installation
Integration with supporting systems
Optimizing process parameters
Functionality aligned with requirements







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